Sunday, October 7, 2007

More Predictions

This year's Nobel prize in economics will be announced in three more days. Since Thomson has made its predictions based on the peer citations of economists' publications, many more professional economists and bloggers become so eager in predicting this annual super-uncertain event.

Tyler Cowen would offer the prize jointly to Anne Krueger, Jagdish Bhagwati, and Gordon Tullock for their work on rent- seeking. However, he also suggests that William Nordhaus (for his concept of "green accounting), Eugene Fama (both for testing CAPM for securities prices and for figuring out what is wrong with it) with either Richard Thaler or Kenneth French, and Oliver Williamson and/or Jean Tirole (for principal-agent theory as applied to the business firm) are highly competitive.

While Austrian Economists, surely, hope this year's prize would go for "entrepreneurship" and to Israel Kirzner and William Baumol.

Harvard has even set up a prediction pool, and receives many replies. In response to some Freakonomics fans, I'm afraid that Stephen J. Dubner will not win this title, 'cause if so, Steven Levitt will be so jealous and rampageous that he would not coauthor with Dubner in the first place.

Update: Mankiw would put a bet on Fama, Feldstein, or Barro.

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